Top 5 Reason Why You Chose George Animatrix For Your Animation Courses


Animation Institute

George Animatrix is one of the best and top animation institutes in Kolkata out there. It is one of the top notch animation institutes in Kolkata. With the intention of revolutionizing education in animation; this institute has ensured that students receive star level education here.

If you are looking to study 3D animation in Kolkata then George Animatrix is the right choice for you. Here are 5 reasons why this institute must be your first choice.

100% Placement Assistance

George Animatrix gives prime importance to the placements of its students. All students receive 100% placement assistance upon the successful completion of their courses. Whether you are enrolled in 3D and 2D animation course in Kolkata; you are bound to get full placement support after finishing up your courses.

Additionally, the staff and administration helps students get full placement support as well.


The students of an institute are only as good as the teachers there. Therefore, the faculty plays a huge role in how the students are getting shaped as professionals. Therefore, George Animatrix has ensured that their faculty be top notch. All of their staff has actual professional experience in teaching and working in animation backgrounds. They have great experience and take their job very seriously. All the staff at George Animatrix is really educated and they take their job role of teaching very seriously.

Good Reputation

Over the years, George Animatrix has earned a very good reputation for itself. It has become one of the top colleges out there to secure a place for itself in the animation field. If you ask the people who have studied, worked or even been a part of this institute then you will be very happy to know that it has great reputation.

Additionally, because of the good reputation top colleges also prefer to hire students from this college. That's why top notch placements are offered to students at this college.


If you want, you can take a look at the alumni of the institute. They are really the best of best. They are the living and breathing testament that upon completing your education from George Animatrix, you are bound to end up with a bright and successful career for yourself. You can ask about the alumni placements in your free counseling session.

High-End Classrooms

The classrooms are fully equipped with all the technical assistance you might need for your education at George Animatrix. There are computers which have all the software you need. Then there are also a lot of different multimedia rooms, equipments, software, tools and projectors which help students learn the craft of animation.

Other than these five wonderful features, George Animatrix also offers free counseling session to all students. So, if you are passionate about learning animation then it is about time that you gear up and start enrolling in this course.

All the best!


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